
Latest KF news


-== Wade’s Weekly WTF ==-

Hello my fellow Goons and Goonettes.  I have exhausted my supply of clever W alliterations.  Sad times.  Sad times, indeed.

This weeks updates:

1: There was no fireside this week.  Go out, touch grass, and enjoy the holiday!

2: Ranger Gama and Gooniversity recently ran a History of EVE class.  If you missed it, you can still get the recording here:

3: Congrats to the Goon AT team for successfully making it through the feeder rounds with a win in their first fight!  The next round begins in August, so keep an eye out for the schedule to be posted.

4: The EVE 20th Anniversary Collector's Edition will be available for pre-order on July 7th.

5: A friendly reminder that you are not allowed to sell combat capitals on public contracts in the home regions.   Before you sell any caps, supercaps, or titans, read this:

6: Welcome back @Hippojaxx and @Mitt Rawmoney Rawmoney!

7: EVE is in its best state in years — so it’s a great time to play, and we’re thrilled to have some of our old friends coming back to hang out.   If you’re a returning player, or know of someone who is thinking of coming back, give me a shout and I’ll try to point you in the right direction.   You can check out this slightly dated retvet post, which still has tons of helpful info:

8:  KF standing fleet is up and grinding 24/7, and is an awesome place to hang out, have a few small gang fights, and learn how to play EVE.   If you’re new to the standing fleet, hop on to KF Standing on Mumble and we’ll get you situated.

9: Congratulations Bane on having the 1st Lancer death in eve online!