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Wades Weekly WTF 14/05/23

Welcome, Workmates, to the first edition of Wade’s Weekly WTF: a Weekly Wrap-Up of the most WTF-Worthy news surrounding KarmaFleet and EVE-Online, all Worked up using my very own Whimsical Way with Words.

From Wars and Wormholes, to Worldwide Weather, Wade’s Weekly WTF will leave you Wishing the Wild ride would last forever, as Well as Wondering how the hell I got this job.

This weeks WTF: 

1: The recording and transcript of this week’s Fireside is available at: Key takeaways are that the LendingBee program is fully operational. Short on ISK and need a loan backed by the Imperium? Check out the forum post at: 

2: Happy birthday to our very own Joho and Tony (who probably won’t even see this). Feliz Cumple and don’t forget to mail in your AARP applications.

3: You’re all too late for Kathy Irons’ Optimized Exploration class, but if you have interest in having fun and making isk in wormholes, let us know and he may be willing to teach it again.

4: If you have any announcements that you’d like added to next week’s Weekly WTF, just DM me the details and I’ll put it on the list! 

5: Aydo Srsli and Ser Vasy successfully emoted on all 4 announcements related to this news update. 

Good guys 4 : Meko 0 for news posts.

6: Paro wants everyone to know, it took him an hour to kill a rorq in PH space, and something about they didnt save it.. but importantly here, it took him an hour to kill a Rorq

Paro has neither KB or top damage, and only did 8.6% of total damage