News Archive

Wades Weekly WTF 26/06/23


-==Wade’s Weekly WTF==-

Welp... the War Went Well.  Now We Wait, and Wallow in the Wealth of our War profiteering.

This week's updates: 

1: The recording and transcript of this week’s Fireside is available at:

2: Ding, dong, the TTT is dead.  I hope you made it to the fight!  If not, you missed a great time.

3: Keep training dreads — specifically Zirnitras and Phoenixes.

4: If you’ve got the folding money to spare, trade your T1 dreads in for an upgraded faction dread.  We want to swap as many of these out as we can and this post tells you how to do so as inexpensively as possible.  If you’ve got crazy money you can grab a T2 dread as well.

You can support your local corp-mates by contacting our local industry expert, @Aras Antollare with direct requests for dread builds, posting in ⁠industry to ask for new builds, or posting in ⁠trade to buy/sell existing dreads.

Kun'mi  also has post on the forums with info about his dread sale/exchange program, at

(If anyone else is building/trading dreads in bulk and wants your name in this ping, just shoot me a DM  and I'll add you.).

7: Everyone should have had their discord roles automatically removed and re-added this last week.  I’m guessing that since you are reading this, things worked properly, but if you have any issues with your roles, ping/dm me and l will see what I can do.

8: We are in the process of updating all of the information/summary posts on the forums.  If you notice a post that is severely out of date, or has the wrong info, contact me and I will make sure someone smarter than me knows about the errors.

9: Another weekly reminder to please check that your ESI is in compliance:

10: Last, but not least, here is your weekly ping that @Brisc Rubal and @Ceema are now real boys Goons, just like Pinocchio.  And also because I haven’t done it in a while, hi @Colton McCune.