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Wades Weekly WTF 12/06/23

-== Wade’s Weekly WTF ==-

Worry not, my fellow Workerbees, and Welcome back to Week Five of Wade's Weekly WTF.  While this was a Weak Week for Worthwhile news, the most Wonderful news was the friends that We made along the Way.

This week's updates: 

1: The recording and transcript of this week’s Fireside is available at:

2: Train into and buy Zirnitra >> Pheonix >>>> Rest - those are the two most important dreads right now.  And while you're at it, buy two: one for delve and one for deployment!

3: Train into rorqs and hop on the ISK-train that is Crabquals!

4: If you're more interested in PAPs than ISK, then get into the beehive and protect your fellow gooncrabs.

5: This is your weekly reminder that @Brisc Rubal  and @Crema  are officially goons now.

6: Big congrats to @Divinus Falcone for being the proud new owner of a titan!  Fly it well and die in a blaze of glory!

7: Finally, I am once again asking you to check your ESI compliance:

8: This time I'll ping @everyone.  Let's see how many angry messages I get.

(I saw none... except from me who was angry over posting time and collusion with Meko)