News Archive

Wades Weekly WTF 22/05/23


-== Wade’s Weekly WTF ==-

 Warm Welcomes to the second edition of Wade’s Weekly WTF. Join us for a Wild Walk through this Week’s Wonderous Workings of New Eden. (It still works as alliteration if you say it out loud.) This weeks updates:

1: The recording and transcript of this week’s Fireside is available at: The high points this week include the pseudo-annual Diplomatic Update from CD, which will soon be recruiting. If you want to metagame the metagame and play EVE without actually playing EVE, check out the Diplomatic Update and watch for the upcoming recruitment post: 

2 : The KarmaFleet 3v3 Summer Slaughter tournament is happening June 3. Come kill your friends and laugh at them for not being as elite as @Papless Pari Shana! Details at: 

3 : The KarmaFleet FC program has been revamped — come lead your friends into battle and reap the rewards of victory (or defeat, if you FC like I do). Check out the changes at: 

4: Fix/Maintain your ESI before we purge you. Yes, I’m talking to you: 

5: KarmaFleet now has its own news website, thanks to @Srsli!: 

6: Everyone welcome Mist Amatin, our recently converted friend from Horde. Go join a Mist fleet! Also — Hi to everyone reading this on the Horde spy ping relay. 

7: The KarmaFleet Standing Fleet Comms Policy has been updated. Read it. Follow it. Don’t get muted by an Admin. 

8: If a neut logs in on the 1dq undock in a big shiny ship, make sure you reach out to coord or someone in leadership to see what is happening. Tackling/holding down the ship until it’s sorted is great — just don’t kill it in silence. 

9: Also, I have to ping @Colton McCune individually for each of these announcements now because I hurt his feelings last week.